Great week in terms of potential for progress however it was stunted due to poor timing of just everything. So over the weekend I ordered my square steel tubing which I needed but it didn't arrive until Monday after school so I decided to make a little birthday gift for my sister because it was her birthday. I made a desktop name plate on the water jet which I then got bent at metal fab. We bent it the wrong way and it didn't really come out how I was intending but it was no big deal because it still looked good and there was no pressure for it to be perfect.

On Tuesday I had my steel and I immediately got to work. I started by marking all the spots I would have to cut and drill on the steel which required a lot of lining up perfectly and measuring. The main thing to line up was making sure the steel tubes were parallel. After some finicking around I got the steel lined up good enough and marked the holes where the axles pillow blocks will be drilled.

Then I took sometime measuring on the right angle bars where the steel tubing will be and I marked out those as well to be cut out. I'm also having some mounting holes on the aluminum plate for extra points of contact to reduce stress on the right angle bars.

On Wednesday I planned to cut and drill everything I had marked out and then I'd hoped to mount everything on Thursday but instead we had a half day on Wednesday and on top of that we had gym so I only had around an hour to do any work so all I managed to do was cut out the slots where the square steel tubing would go in the right angle bars. I first used the horizontal bandsaw and then I borrowed a cutting disk from metal fab to cut out the rest with an angle grinder. It was kinda rough but precision isn't important for this part.

And then on Thursday we had a snow day so I wasn't able to do anymore work on it to get on the blog post but today hopefully I will have no interruptions and I can bang this out fast.