This week wasn't an exciting week but there was still progress. Pretty much the entirety of this week has been focused on the rear brakes because the alignment I came up with before break was only a temporary solution. On monday we took the cart up to Mr. Jackson the metal fab teacher and asked for any suggestions on how to align the brakes and the idea he gave was essentially making the mounting holes on the right angle bar bigger so the brakes can wiggle and then squeezing the brakes and tightening the bolts on so it is aligned. So I started by sizing up the holes from 3/8 to 1/2 and I did his adjusting method. Now his method is simple but it isn't easy because of how awkward the angle is to actually tighten the brakes. But after a lot of breaking my back I just couldn't get it aligned.

The brakes were still too crooked. The top part of the stationary pad was rubbing with the brake disc so when the caliper was closed and I squeezed the brakes the pads weren't making complete contact with the disc. So I increased the size of the holes from 1/2 to I believe 5/8 but then I ran into a new issue, the nut went straight through the hole. This wouldn't be an issue because I could just use a washer but it was a right angle bar so the extra part of the steel was in the way.

So I took an angle grinder and I just cut it off got the brakes on there with some washers and a nut, squeezed the lever, and tightened the nut and I got full contact with the pads. There is a very small amount of rubbing but it should be ok.

After the brakes were aligned I took a Mr. Christy task and disassembled the float from the robotics team from last year because it was broken. That really didn't take much time so I started messing with the brake cable seeing how it worked. Next week I will have some steel tube stock that I will send up to metal fab along with the cart for them to weld some supports onto the cart.
