Didn't get as much progress as the previous week however progress was still made with the shopping cart. After getting the axle mounted last week we saw that it was bending quite a lot so the solution for that currently is to buy some round steel tubing or square steel tubing to use as cross beams to support the axle and hopefully stop the bending. However I wasn't able to buy the steel this week so I instead worked on mounting the rear brakes onto the shopping cart which didn't come without its struggles. First I obviously had to get the bolts on the brakes which was simple the brake calipers came with a mounting plate with two mounting holes.

After getting the bolts on I was thinking about how to actually attach it to the axle and I decided to be resourceful and use my left over right angle bars because it was perfect for the job. I marked holes to drill for the brake to mount on and I got it bolted on there nicely.

After cutting it down to size I drilled another hole which is where the whole thing would mount onto the square steel tubing. Once it was drilled I just had to bolt it on and it should've been fine but this is where problems arose.

The issue was that the square steel tubing was kind of crooked. The sides of the tube were not perpendicular to the axle which meant that the brake caliper was not parallel with the brake disc meaning that when I bolted it in there was rubbing between the brake pads and the brake disc. I tried several solutions like adding washers to put more space but that seemed to make it worse.

Then I tried using the dremel to size up the holes that the brakes were mounted onto so I could adjust how the brakes are aligned. After spending the rest of the week trying to align the brakes perfectly I finally got it. The axle was able to freely spin within the brake calipers and when the brake lever was pulled it stopped the axle nicely. After break I am hoping to have the round steel tubing so it can be welded on by metal fab and hopefully the shopping cart can be completed by the end of February but we will see.