Great week for the shopping cart in terms of progress made. I pretty much spent my entire week in the machine shop because this week was all about bolting and drilling. I first started off by getting the bike finally mounted on to the shopping cart so I could do away with the hose clamps. The way I went about it without requiring any welding was that I saw that the bottom bracket of the bike was like a big empty tube, so I cut off the bottom part of the bracket and slotted it over the frame of the base of the shopping cart. I drilled 2 holes on each side through the bracket and through the frame so then I could bolt it on and it actually felt really secure.
After getting the bike on there I thought I wanted more than 2 points where the bike was secured to the cart so I modeled up a plate that I would mount under the bike and under the frame and bolt it into the bike and frame acting as a third mounting point. I decided to cut it out of quarter inch aluminum because seeing as this plate wasn't going to be super structurally integral I didn't want to use steel. Also we didn't have any steel stock big enough. But after modeling it and going through many different revisions trying to get the sizing just right I was able to get it perfect and so I took it to the waterjet and drilling the mounting holes into the cart and the plate is now securely in there. My rear brakes also arrived, they were pretty cool.