This week I realized that the 16 holes I added onto the disc were too close together for the zoetrope so I needed to either make a new disc which might need a complete redesign of the zoetrope or I make my own animation. I decided to make my own animation because I was already planning on doing that from the start. When I looked online at all the other DIY 3D zoetropes most people made their animation in Blender. My plan was to create a little cube with a face who would slowly start to melt and become a puddle and then reform back into a cube.
My concept for the animation was a cube with a face that would slowly melt and turn into a puddle and then he would rise back up into a cube. But then later into the week I realized I could accomplish this much quicker in Fusion 360 modeling everything so that is what I decided to go with in the end. All in all not too much was accomplished this week but next week my animation should be done.