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Week 1/29-2/1

This week has been a very productive week compared to the past few weeks. At the end of last week I started laser cutting parts of my zoetrope out of cardboard. I was only able to cut out a couple panels because I lit some other pieces of cardboard on fire which stopped progress on the cardboard zoetrope. This week I lit some cardboard on fire again but I managed to finish my cardboard zoetrope. It was bigger than I expected it to be but I like the size of it, I think it's perfect.

Once I got the zoetrope made out of cardboard I started working on designing my LED panel. I will be using 25 five watt LEDs on the panels and I will have 5 panels arranged in a star shape on the zoetrope. I designed the PCB in autodesk eagle which wasn't too difficult it was just time consuming because I had to find the right LED on the libraries that eagle had. I also had to get exact measurements for how big I wanted the PCB to be.

Once the LEDs arrive I will be able to mill the PCBs. Once the LED panels are milled I can start on working on 2 new animations each of which I will have preset settings for on the Zoetrope. So I will be able to flick a switch and it will activate a new strobe setting for a different animation to run. To get there I will need to design new animations first and then add in the code for those animations which will be relatively easy.

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