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Week 1/2-1/5

This week is the first week of the new year. It's been a while since the last blog post due to the break but this week has been moderately productive. I have decided to continue with the walls design for the zoetrope. So instead of focusing on making the LEDs brighter, I am going to make artificial darkness using wooden walls that surround the animation allowing for better visibility. This week I have been primarily modeling the new zoetrope design which features a big box on the bottom as the base on which the zoetrope will stand.

The box is approximately 1 foot by 1 foot and will house all the electronics including the LED driver.

After modeling the box I moved on and tried to model the walls. For the walls I wanted to use the bendable wood design again, the same design I used on my lasercut lantern. Before I could do the walls though I had to remodel the shaft collar and disc taking measurements from my old model so I wouldn't have to remeasure anything.

Tomorrow I hope to work on the walls and finish modeling them. I sort of forgot how to model them but I will follow the guide and make sure I can get it done. This week was a shorter week so there wasn't as much to write about but hopefully next week I can get to work on a new animation. My current ideas for the animation is something with 8 bit

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