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This week was a pretty exciting week for the shopping cart. Initially I had planned on to just spend this week thinking and drafting up ideas and designs for the roll cage but we had Tuesday off. When we came back on Wednesday I saw that my handlebars were tacked on by Mr. Jackson our metal fab teacher and I was really happy and grateful because they looked incredible. It looked ridiculous but that was the point of my design. We put the handlebars on to the shopping cart to see if they fit on there and they worked perfectly.

I returned the handlebars so he could finish up welding it completely and I spent the rest of my week thinking up ideas for the roll cage. I came up with one idea that I did completely model but I didn't like it because it looked like a baby carriage so I deleted that part of the model and went back to the drawings. I looked at the roll cages on dune buggies and rally cars to get some ideas and I might have a winner if I can figure out how to model it.

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