This week was a big week for the shopping cart. My 5 point harness finally arrived and it felt really good quality. The harness has a quick release feature where you pull a switch and all the buckles explode off. I attached it with zipties first to get an idea of where I wanted to had them mounted and then my buddy Scott Campbell brought in his old gaming chair that he was getting rid of and I switched from my old red chair to his gaming chair as my seat for the shopping cart.
Surprisingly his gaming chair worked much better than the old seat did because it abled a really easy mounting method. With help from Ben Wirz I mounted the seat on. The back rest of the seat had a metal plate coming off of it which would then bend 90 degrees. This was how the back would connect to the bottom. So what we did is we slotted the metal plate through the cart to the bottom and screwed the seat on top through the wire frame of the cart.
The harness we mounted simply by drilling holes into the thicker structural frame of the cart and bolted it in which although simple took a lot of time. Next week I will try to get my hands on the front brakes to get them mounted on.