First blog post of 2025. This week I wasn't able to make a ton of progress on the shopping cart itself because I have yet to actually order the steel I need to mount the axle. However, the shopping cart is actually pretty close to being done and ready to run. The engine I got from Mr. Jackson now runs reliably so now all I have left to do is just buy the steel and get that frame assembled, buy a new clutch for the engine that fits the chain and sprocket I have, and then buy the pedals and install them and the shopping cart is finished. So this week I just cut off the bottom rack of the shopping cart because it was going to get in the way of the engine.
And then as for the rest of the week I helped out my buddy and classmate Ben with our science fair project. The project is basically zapping a microcontroller with an EMP in different spots trying to find the most reliable spot to zap it to hack it. For the project we need the 2 axis stage which is what he currently working on and what he needed me to do was basically dial in the measurements for a coupler. The stage is going to be controlled automatically by stepper motors and he designed and printed some couplers that connect the motors to the stage but they didn't fit so he asked me to print out more until they did.