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Week 1/8-1/11

This week was sort of a turbulent week with the flooding on Wednesday the shop was closed off and we were unable to work but despite the set backs I've managed to make more progress this week than I did last week. Last week and early this week was mostly just testing out different sizes for the walls of the zoetrope. My initial plan was to use the bendy laser cut pattern which cuts out the wood in a way that allows it to bend. However the issue with that was that the wood would end up cutting corners from its bending and I tried making the bends smaller an smaller until eventually I had to settle. I ended up going with a solid walls design with 3 flat panels held together by slots and wood glue.

After I settled on a design to use for the walls I got to modeling the LED panel. The LED panel is going to be held up using the threaded rods that have been in use with the old zoetrope design. The threaded rods will also allow the LED panel to be easily removable and also have adjustable height.

Next week I should be able to start making a new animation for the zoetrope once the model is complete then my next step after that is the PCB and the zoetrope will finally be ready for final assembly.

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